Make Your Own Dried Food
We all love dried food, whether it be fruit, veg, to eat or just for decorations. And making your own is always more satisfying than just buying from a shop. Plus you know where it has come from and what has been on your food.
Personally, I love to make my own raisins. My mum purchased a dehydrator a few months ago and I can honestly say I love it!
Dehydrators are usually about £30-£40 but they do range in price considerably. I will post some links at the bottom to ones that I think are good prices.
So, without further ado, here is how to on homemade raisins:
What are the advantages of drying your own?
Well, for a start, it is always more satisfying when you make your own things, but there are also advantages to the environment as well; such as:
- your food/decorations have not been sprayed with extra pesticides, preservatives or cleaning materials
- you know where your food/decorations have come from
- they do not come in single-use plastic packages, which would no doubt be thrown into the bin and never seen again
- your food/decorations have travelled less miles, yes you picked up your ingredients from the super market, but your end product didn't have to travel miles and miles to reach its final destination, which is of course, better for the planet.
- you can make as much or as little as you like, and only you have control over how it turns out at the end.
- you are using up things that might have been thrown away and wasted (using up fruit/veg that has slightly past its edible point to make decorations or drying out grapes that have gone a bit too squishy to consume)
What you will need:
- Dehydrator
- Fruit/Veg you want to dry out
- Some way of preparing you fruit/veg (cutting board, knife etc)
Step By Step - dehydrator
- Make sure your food is clean
- Prepare your food/decorations
- Place them in your dehydrator and set for a minimum of 6 hours (different materials will take longer time to dry out but 6 hours is a good starting point)
- Sit back and relax
You Can Also Dehydrate Things In An Oven, Here's How:
- use the same preparation method you would have used if you were using a dehydrator
- set the oven to 70°C (do not go any higher because then your produce would be baked rather than dried)
- make sure there is good ventilation in your oven (put on the fan setting or keep the oven door slightly open)
- keep checking your produce every couple of hours
If you want your produce to be crispy then you will need to leave them to dry out more than if you wanted them slightly chewy